Thursday, September 17, 2009

To be or not to be (Pissed off)

I am trying to figure out if I should be annoyed or grateful that my best friend is deciding not to come to my birthday. On the one hand, she is my best friend and its my BIRTHDAY. On the other, my best friend ( who I do love) is and tends to be completely selfish and one sided. Right now she is in a "Woe is me" phase and my tolerance for BS is at an all time low. She has a job and her health so she should be happy. I am sure as far as she is concerned I am being a total bitch and I'm sure I sound like one but for the sake of her and my privacy I'm trying not to go into too much detail. Just trust me when I say I am the victim. I'm kidding, no one is ever really the victim in situations like this, right? Friendship squabbles are always complicated and messy and never truly solved. In fact it was my not solving issues that lead me to the point where I snapped and severed ties. Anywho I am hoping we make up and whatever but in the past I have always broken down and called her and this time I am refusing. I am putting my foot down. Which might leave me without a friend but hey, what can you do?

( And yes, I'm drunk)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I took a bunch of fun pictures the other day out of sheer boredom. Here they are:

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The non-joys of being unemployed

Everyday I wake up at 10 and sit in bed and read for an hour. Then I get up, brush my teeth, get dressed and walk my dog. I come back, feed the dog and take a shower. Then I sit on the couch for 6 hours. This is not a vacation, this is my life. No, it's not fun.

Monday, August 24, 2009

99 Cent store bling

I just love these and everyone else does too. I had the chance to wear them to a party and kept having people ask me where I got them. They were so surprised when I said I made them AND they were from a 99 cent store. I might have to open an etsy store just to sell these. My only concern is that they are heavy.

I has a Cucumber

I went up stairs and yelled at my plant. " You're not going give me anything!" And then I picked up the plant and low and behold, tucked under the leaves was Spud, my cucumber. I am a very proud momma.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Pepper Plant Photo Shoot

I got a little pic happy with my Cayenne pepper plant.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I has a Pepper

I know it's gonna sound cheesy but every time something in my garden sprouts I feel like a proud mother. I just want to pat the plant on the head and say, "I'm proud of you baby." So far this summer I have gotten a bunch of basil and 4 beans off my bean plant but never have I been so proud as I was today when I went to the roof and discovered 3 baby Peppers. I almost cried. They are small but in a week or two they will be big and amazing. I have no idea what to make with Cayenne Peppers.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Spaztastic Existence

It is 2:56 am and I cannot sleep. Dog, asleep on her pillow, Cats spooning next to me but no sleep for me. To say I am tired would be an understatement but my Adderall pumped brain will not stop running. I often imagine the scene inside my head consisting of a mouse running on wheel. He is wearing a red headband (because this is a comical mouse) and possibly track shorts. He is of corse running upright pumping his little firsts as he works that wheel like there is no tommrow. He is wearing Nikes. Or maybe they are Adidas, they have stripes. He is very tired and annoyed because if I could just fall asleep he could get off that wheel and relax. I feel bad. Poor mouse. 3:03 am, attempting to go to sleep agian.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

7 Reasons Why I love the Avocado

From the top:

7) Jason Mraz- He owns an Avocado farm in Cali, I think that's awesome.

6) Easy- Avocados are so easy to prepare, they take less then 5 mins to turn into a tasty snack.

5) Nutrition- Avocados are a good source of almost everything. Vitamins C, E and B12 as well as Thiamin and Riboflavin. Now I'm not sure what those are but if they are good for me then I'm in with them being in my Avocados.
4) Soup- Avocado soup is the most amazing soup ever. Trust me.

3) The Texture- Its kinda waxing and slimy at the same time, I donno that just entertains me.

2) The color- I really believe we need to bring back Avocado colored kitchen electronics, we all miss them.
1) Guacamole- I don't think I need to explain myself here.

Check out Avocados for yourself and taste the magic.