Thursday, June 19, 2008

Most likely the best paper I ever wrote (unedited)

One of my best friends insisted I post this. I wrote it a few years back for a media class.

The Oscars
By A.K.
Alright so here is the deal, it is 11 P.M. on Sunday night and I am tired. And the idea of writing an entire 5 pages about the Oscars which we both know are not worthy of 5 pages off my life is all that is keeping me from a much needed good nights sleep. But my mother insists that I do a great job on this paper and I could talk about movies till the cows come home, (What does that expression mean? What cows and where are they coming home from?) So I am going to attempt to do a great job on the paper but consider this a warning.
I didn’t enjoy watching the Academy awards this year as much as I have in past years. Basically what I have taken from this year is the truth that Television is really fake and everything is rigged. With that burned into my skull it was very hard to enjoy an award show, especially one where that fact was so evident. Though amazingly enough the rest of America didn’t seem to pick up on that. This years Oscars ratings rose 17% from last years ratings according to The New York Times. Taking all 11 of its nominations "The Lord of the Rings" was the main focus of the Oscars. This made the Oscars extremely predictable and boring. Though not nominated for Best actor or actress, it was nominated and won: Best adapted Screen play, Art direction, Original song, Best Original score, Best makeup, Costume Design, Sound, Visual effects, Film editing, And Best film. The title was mentioned so much a drinking game could have been made out of it, which makes me think I’ll keep the tape a little while longer. Oh and Sean Penn and Charlize Theron won best actor and actress.
The Oscars were shot on a 5 second delay to please the pubic and to insure no ones boob popped out, because you know how that always happens at the Academy awards. The host Billy Crystal, one of my favorites makes reference to the Super bowls with a line from his song about Surprise, The Lord of the Rings, saying "Then Golem popped out like the left boob of Janet." There were also jokes made about gay marriage that is until the winner for best animated Short film thanked his boyfriend.
This was Billy Crystals 3rd time hosting the awards. Among the presenters were some people who I honestly have no idea what they were doing there. People like, Ben Stiller and Jack Black. Will Smith and Wife were also presenters. Not bad actors but people that the academy at least in past years has chosen to ignore. Also very surprisingly Jim Carry presented, showing that he harbors no ill will towed the academy for ignoring him in the past.
There were some categories that "The Lord of the Rings" couldn't’t win. Renee Zellweger won best supporting actress, Tim Robbins for best supporting actor. "Finding Nemo" won best animated film. Sophia Coppola won for best adapted screen play.
As I write this I am watching the tape of the awards and my roommate just commented on the commercials. The commercials that aired during the awards for lack of a better word, sucked and I found this to be very refreshing. Commercials are a time to go to the bathroom and refill your drink so I was glad that there wasn’t so much stock put into them this year.
I think I have come to the end of my critique, I am very proud of my self for making it this far. When I started I thought I would only get about 3 pages. But here I am at 4 1/2. I don’t think I will be able to watch and award show after this and not feel like I am being suckered into it. Though since there are no more Lord of the Rings films maybe it will be more interesting next year. In closing, the awards were boring but Billy Crystal was good and what Ben Stiller was doing there, I still have no idea. So that’s my paper, I either failed miserably or did really well. I like to play it hit or miss.
( I think I got an A)

If you feed a smail diffrent colored chock it will shit rainbows.

When I was younger my mom told me where babies come from. I somehow